Ode To The Tar Sands Blockaders

Ode To The Tar Sands Blockaders

By Dave Warren. "For them it is the green blood of Mother Earth, the xylem, the phloem, running in their veins, drawn like capillary action from the tap root, anchored to the forest floor, rising through the living ...
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Carry the Banner of Truth

A tribute to Tangerine Bolen, founder of Revolution Truth. Tangerine is a plaintiff in the NDAA 7 lawsuit against the U.S. Government, and an incredible thinker, activist, and leader in our times.
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What We Broke

What We Broke

The second to last time I saw Sully I picked him up off the street he jumped in my car, excited, Brian! Guess what? I smoked crack last night! Now I done every drug known to man.
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True Peace

True Peace

A Tribute to Child Victims of US Drone Attacks. From Border Songs (Word Palace Press, 2012)
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