Chelsea Manning, the Flag Leaking Tears

Chelsea Manning, the Flag Leaking Tears

Debra Van Poolen

Debra Van Poolen, 44, is an artist, permaculturist and activist.
Debra took on the role of courtroom artist, covering each day of the court martial of Chelsea Manning for three main purposes.
First, due to the mainstream media near blackout of the trial, leaving very few artists to cover the trial, Debra sought to supply the need for more courtroom artists daily recording the important events of this unprecedented occasion in US history.
Second, Debra is hoping her drawings will highlight the humanity of each person involved with the trial, especially the vulnerability of the 25-year old Chelsea Manning who could face the extreme sentence of life in prison.
Third, Debra intened that each of her drawings and paintings would serve as yet another motivation for their viewers and purchasers to promote justice in this court martial.
See more of her courtroom artwork here.

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