Long Live Palestine



Said quote

Massive props to Lowkey for laying truthful and eye-opening bars on this track. He has displayed huge support and love for the people of Palestine, which should not just be shared by Muslims or Palestinians, but by EVERY HUMAN because support for innocent and oppressed people is irrespective of religious faith or nationality. As a HUMAN it is your responsibility to accept that it is simply WRONG to bomb and use toxic phosphorus compounds as weapons against UN-ARMED people who have no means to defend themselves.

Lowkey says “Nothing is more anti-Semitic than Zionism”, this is impossible to deny because Judaism and Zionism are two completely different philosophies. During the past two thousand years of existence of Jews, they have been DIVINELY decreed exile and no Jew had ever intended to end this exile and establish any independent political sovereignty in any land. This was in place to ensure that not only the Jews, but the people as a whole fulfil the commandments of the Torah. However the Israeli state has been created by Zionists within the past 100 years. The ultimate mission behind this is to detach the Jewish people from Judaism and replace it with an affinity and loyalty to a racist, murderous political movement. This movement is Zionism and leaders have deceived, terrorised, manipulated the media and have used clever and false propaganda as mechanisms in the manufacture of this state, which is a catalyst for the NWO.

But although Zionist leaders have global political power and unlimited finances at their disposal, their plans of deceiving the entire world have failed. This is because although they plan, God also plans, and He is the best of planners. The truth remains, that the law of the Torah clearly states that the Jewish people are FORBIDDEN to have their own state. It is important to stress, that Zionism is NOT representative of Judaism and Jews have never selected the Israeli leaders. It is also vital to know that many Rabbis and Jews oppose Zionism, and I honour them and the many Jews who marched alongside myself in protest against this genocide. I want to remind Israeli Jews to uphold to their true faith and its teachings.

It should be known that most of the United States Bill of Rights and founding principles correlate with the religious principles and teachings of the people of Palestine. The American government has continually supported the Zionist state of Israel despite the fact that George Washington wanted America to be a country that HAS NO PASSIONATE ATTACHMENT TO ANY FOREIGN NATION. I would therefore like to remind Americans to be TRUE AMERICANS and to uphold to their founding principles.

رَبَّنَا وَلاَ تُحَمِّلْنَا مَا لاَ طَاقَةَ لَنَا بِهِ وَاعْفُ عَنَّا وَاغْفِرْ لَنَا وَارْحَمْنَا أَنتَ مَوْلاَنَا فَانصُرْنَا عَلَى الْقَوْمِ الْكَافِرِينَ


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  1. Blaise Gauba

    I am married to a wonderful woman who just so happens to be Jewish. I am agnostic, or an atheist…not sure what anyone would call me…label me…etc. Anyway, I am so saddened that unfortunately, my wife has bought into the whole Zionist lie…and their propaganda. She doesn’t even know I think, that there are so many Jewish people out there including rabbi’s who are against the occupation of Palestine. Who are against the all out murder and genocide of the Palestinian people. I have always agreed that there isn’t supposed to BE an Israeli state. It’s an invention and a falsification of the Jewish religion. And sadly, because of the ultra-rich Zionists…some of whom are Jews…and many of whom are just super-rich (self-proclaimed) “Christians?” who’s only agenda has been to perpetuate the Zionist lie.

    The Palestinian people didn’t ask for this. Even the Jews and Christians and Muslims who have lived in Palestine for the last three thousand years…living with each other quite peaceably, intermarrying and doing business with each other…THEY didn’t ask these FOREIGN ZIONISTS to illegally annex Palestine. The Uber-Wealthy Western Powers…many of them of Jewish decent…but not necessarily practicing Jews themselves…along with their (remember…self-proclaimed) “Christian?” business partners were the fanatics who invented and created the Zionist agenda…if you will…the Zionist RELIGION. And like LowKey said…there IS no correlation between Zionism and Judaism. Zionism is an abomination that sadly, many Jews have been brainwashed into believing in…into practicing. This make many of them no different than Hitler’s Nazis. This statement makes a lot of Zionist Jews and “Christians?” angry for making such a comparison…but there is nothing else like this to compare it to.

    My wife and I cannot talk about this issue because she has been so well brainwashed by that criminal organization known as the Zionist…oops! Sorry! I mean, the so-called “Jew-ish” Lobby in Washington, D.C.. I boycott everything Israeli. When I was under my Jeep one day checking a mechanical problem, I noticed that there was an oil filter attached to my engine that was manufactured in Israel. I had my mechanic remove it and replace it with another oil filter manufactured elsewhere. I DO NOT SUPPORT [the] ZIONIST and ILLEGAL IZRAELI (spelled like that on purpose) STATE. The Zionists really ARE ZioNazis.

    I feel bad for Jews in Israel who were born there after the fact…and I feel bad for those Jews who do not support their criminal government.

    1. Paula de Angelis

      A comment I agree with to a great extent, Blaise. I’m sorry to hear that has caused conflict within your marriage. I am from atheist Jewish extraction myself; my family are of the ilk that don’t really define themselves as Jews, because they are Marxists, and we have been supporters of Palestinian liberation, on that basis for a long time now.
      I believe it is very important to remember many of the points you have made here, especially that Israel is a religious theocracy that has annexed a secular nation. It is also important to remember that without rebels and activists of Jewish extraction for the last several centuries, no social progress would have been made at all. Those people have formed the core of the Palestine Solidarity movement for a long time now.
      I found a comment somewhere that the people of Palestine are paying the price for centuries of persecution of European Jews. Persecution, that is, conducted by Christendom. This is a double irony when you consider that traditionally (ie before the twentieth century), European Jews have fled to the Middle East to seek safe haven from that persecution- amongst Muslims.

      1. Blaise Gauba

        Yes. Isn’t that interesting…that European Jews under persecution in Europe, fled to the protective arms of their Muslim brothers and sisters. I also remember reading that or hearing/seeing that on either TheRealNews.com or KOS or one of the other REAL news sources that exist out there. I wish my wife could only run into or meet people of her own faith, who know and understand the facts and the truth. I love my wife and her family SO much…they are such good people. But she is constantly trying to get me to pay attention to the propaganda videos that state that ALL Muslims want ALL Jews dead…wiped off the face of the earth. I won’t listen to it…because there IS propaganda on both sides which is a constant battle in and of itself.

        I do what research I can…sometimes I hit dead ends…sometimes I find excellent references. But even I was shocked at some…or a LOT of the same hypocrisy in the Torah that my wife says is only in the Koran. This is why I cannot stand most religions. To me, the indigenous peoples of this planet have had it right all along. Worship Mother Earth. She is what keeps us alive. And yet, while we bicker and fight over little pieces of land that the various religious groups claim are “holy places”…I have consistently insisted that ALL of Mother Earth is sacred and holy.

        I was initially raised as a Catholic, but after my father died just a month before my eighth birthday, within a year, I told my mother that I didn’t want to go to Catechism or church any longer. Her response to me was: “Fine! Go to Hell then!” I never looked back. I think the concepts of heaven and hell are just that…concepts…inventions of the amazingly creative minds of the human being. If only people understood the simplicity of our existence as spirit consciousness, occupying for a while, these vessels of flesh, bone and blood. I suspect that if you believe strongly enough that when you die, that you are a “sinner”, and you believe that you are going to go to hell…then by golly, I bet you WILL go to a place that your powerful, and creative mind will conjure up after your last breath…and you will find yourself in an astral projection of what your concept of hell is. You might take a while to come out of it, I suspect that your spirit guides, or family of ancestral spirits will patiently wait, maybe guide you a bit and help you to wake up from that fog…that illusion that any human being is capable of creating.

        I think we are a very unique species in this galaxy. I would bet you that there aren’t very many sentient, self-aware and intelligent species out there in the Universe who use illusion in the way that we do. We use illusion everywhere! It’s in advertising of course, it’s in our entertainment, and there are so many, many forms of entertainment that we blind ourselves with. But what is interesting about this phenomenon is that we use illusion in our religions, we use it in our politics, we use it in war, we use it so much, that we completely abuse it in order to abuse ourselves to the point where we really don’t know what the truth actually is. We even use illusion in our education systems. Illusion comes in many forms and in many ways, and it is delivered into the human psyche using whatever devices, whatever forms that we can invent. Even now, our youngest generations of children are inundated with the most amazingly ignorant forms of illusion possible through hand held devices, iPhones, Smart Phones, iPads, Video Game Machines, Computers and television. We absolutely LOVE to be anywhere other than where we actually are.

        Life in the flesh is weird.

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