Poem for Trayvon Martin: Our Name

Poem for Trayvon Martin: Our Name

Poem by David Eberhardt, Photo from Not An Alternative

Not An Alternative: Website here. “justice for trayvon” rally in nyc, july 20, 2013. Photos by beka.

David Eberhardt: Website here. (A “romantic communist” like Nazim Hikmet) was born March 26, 1941. As a peace protester, he was incarcerated at Lewisburg Federal Prison in 1970 for 21 months for pouring blood on draft files with Father Philip Berrigan and two others to protest the Vietnam War. He is retired after 33 years of work in the criminal injustice system as a Director of Offender Aid and Restoration at the Baltimore City Jail. He has published three books of poetry: The Tree Calendar, Blue Running Lights, and Poems from the Website, Poetry in Baltimore. He is at work on a memoir: For All the Saints , influenced by Thoreau, Nabokov, Mailer, Agee, Thomas, and Cousteau..

Our Name

Travon Martin is our name;
Legal lynchings not our game.

State of Florida – resist that state;
Dump the oranges out of the crate!

We’ll find a way to draw the shades
On “sunshine” states, let that sun fade.

Tourism industry must take a hit
In states where justice is just shit.

Close down the courts, close down the beaches
In states where injustice overreaches.

Deep south playing same old racist games,
Nra, republican are the names.

No justice no peace is what we say;
The struggle begins anew each day!

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1 comment

  1. david eberhardt dorothydayleftist

    You can see by the poem that I enjoy Code Pink type monkey wrenching and guerilla theatre. You may wish to get caught and stand trial- and the Transform Now Plowshares is a great example, but you can also disrupt and be creative and not get caught- read the recent book The Burglary- about the 8 that burglarized the FBI office in Media Pennsylvania in 1978. Statute of limitations yall, lol.
    I believe we should throw sand in the gears of the war makers, the gun pushers and all the forces that stand against our movements- the right wing, republicans- you know who they are.

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