Wow! Three days of amazing actions

Wow! Three days of amazing actions

Corporate Greed Resisters!

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A big thank you to everyone who participated in the arts and action camp and three days of actions in Washington, DC last week and to those who supported the action through donations of time as media mobilizers and funds. And thank you to those who joined the marches in DC or held solidarity actions.

The actions were a huge success and we experienced a wonderful community of activists who worked well together under a very demanding schedule.

The actions took place while TPP country leaders and trade ministers were meeting in Manila. The National Journal reported:

“For the U.S. pres­id­ent, it must have been tempt­ing there in the five-star Sofitel Phil­ip­pine Plaza Hotel, with its spec­tac­u­lar views of Ma­nila Bay and its lush trop­ic­al land­scap­ing, to mo­ment­ar­ily for­get that not every­body back home is cheer­ing.

For 8,600 miles away, back un­der gray, threat­en­ing skies in Wash­ing­ton, there were vivid re­mind­ers that the do­mest­ic crit­ics who con­demn the TPP trade deal aren’t go­ing to be quiet, something quite evid­ent to the com­muters stuck on roads snarled by plac­ard-bear­ing pro­test­ers. Or­gan­ized by a co­ali­tion of 63 or­gan­iz­a­tions op­posed to free-trade deals, the D.C. protests fea­tured a block­ade of the of­fices of the U.S. Trade Rep­res­ent­at­ive and a march out­side the U.S. Cham­ber of Com­merce.”

At the meetings in Manila, there was talk of signing the TPP in early February. Once it is signed, individual countries will have to ratify it before it becomes law.

Here are actions that you can take to continue to build resistance to the TPP and other treaties:

1. Sign and share the petition. CLICK HERE.

2. Encourage people to take the action pledge to stop the TPP. CLICK HERE.

3. Join the next TPP Resistance Call where we will discuss the next steps in the campaign. The call will be Wednesday, December 2 at 9 pm Eastern/6 pm Pacific. CLICK HERE to register.

And for some fun, enjoy this video from the last day of the actions when we visited members of Congress!

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