Climate Change Couture: The Thermoreflector

Climate Change Couture: The Thermoreflector

Catherine Sarah Young

The Perceptionalist
Art. Science. Design. Play.

Ready? Aaannnnddd go. The destination isn’t very far; it’s just on the other end of the street. And so the boss said not to take the motorbike. You step into the soft hot pavement, carefully making sure the contents of the box do not move around so much. But the street is an obstacle course. You see the air conditioning units sticking out of the apartments, each block of plastic hot enough to defrost a steak, and mentally you have a vision of darts coming out of them and targeting you like little snipers. Your dress reduces your discomfort; the sleeves protect your face and the fabric reflects the heat so that you won’t get roasted at the end of your journey. You finish the trip as quick as you can, and finally, you ring the doorbell. You deliver the pizza and leave. Man, you deserve a tip bigger than that.

Catherine is an artist, scientist, designer, explorer, and writer whose work primarily explores human perception and its relationships to memory, creativity, and play. Her work combines the arts and the sciences to create stories, objects, and experiences that facilitate wonder and human connection. As an explorer and advocate for the environment, she believes that storytelling, interdisciplinary collaborations, and firsthand experience will spur human beings to mindful action.

The work featured here is part of her Climate Change Couture project.

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